Sunday, April 24, 2011

Springtime + Winnipeg = Smokies

Ahhh, I can feel it now. Springtime is here!

Grass is peeking through as the winter's snowy blanket recedes and the smell of sausages is in the air. Like the buds on the trees and flowers that are beginning to awaken, the smokie carts are back on the streets of Winnipeg.

As soon as the pavement starts to show again and the hemlines on Broadway Avenue begin to creep up the legs of the secretaries and professionals, you can bet the smokie carts will be out in full force. The propane fired grills sending out smoke signals once again to the hungry masses that crave delicious tube steaks on fresh Winnipeg rolls.

My own personal pilgrimage took place Saturday afternoon, the weekday traffic and crowds downtown were gone and little stood between us and hot meaty goodness. The Winnipeg Convention Centre played host to our quarry and we quickly homed in on the twin carts with a crowd gathered round.

Smokie carts are a sure sign of warm weather in Winnipeg

I am a traditionalist when getting my first smokie of the year. Although the menu choices now often include Bison Dogs, or Veggie Dogs. I prefer a straight up Winnipeg Old Country smoked sausage on a white roll with mustard, onions and sauerkraut. Ketchup need not apply for this job.

Mysterious meaty goodness 

This savoury taste of heaven washed down with an ice cold orange crush soda marks the beginning of good things this upcoming summer. Sitting in the sun watching the people mill about the stands brings peace to my winter weary body. Like someone telling me everything is going to be OK, summer is on it way.

Time for lunch

For once I believe the little voices in my head, after all I am sitting outside at a table no jacket in sight. The temperature may only just be peeking above freezing today but the sun is warm on my skin. The odd bird flutters by scrounging for scraps of bread at my feet. All is good with the world as long as I have my orange crush and my smokie. All is perfect as it should be.

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