Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hit the afterburners: The Winnipeg Jets logo takes flight.

Yes, yes I am a day late with this and I do apologize to everyone who swarmed my page last night looking for the latest on The Winnipeg Jets logo saga.  The wait is over my friends and the Jets are indeed  ready to fly high and proud with a new corporate identity.

The new logo borrows highly from the Royal Canadian Air Force insignia that has graced our fighter planes for over the last half century.  Wanting something brand new and not reliant on the Winnipeg Jets logos of old was critical Mark Chipman explained in the launch ceremony.  The new logo dates back to the 1948 RCAF Flyers Hockey Team, a team cobbled together to compete in the Olympic Games in St. Moritz, Switzerland.  Our air force players competed as amateurs and brought home the Gold Medal with a victory over home team Switzerland and an edge in goals over second place Czechoslovakia.

The new logo also works in the relationship the City of Winnipeg has with its armed forces here in Manitoba; home to 17 Wing. The Jets logo features a stylized CF-18 fighter jet over the bright red maple leaf, while the side patches call to mind a flight captain’s wings.  All sporting teams here incorporate an armed forces day into their game schedules and Chipman’s AHL Manitoba Moose were no different.  Their armed forces game day sweaters also paid tribute to the RCAF and the sacrifices they made.

This new logo brings all of those traditions together while also incorporating a nod to the True North Enterprises logo of a stylized compass pointing due north.

I must admit that I wasn’t personally too thrilled to see the new design, I thought that it borrowed from the military roundel too closely but after having a night to sleep on the new motif and the reasons for the design I think that the city is more than ready to get our boots polished up, our brass shined and welcome this new team and its new identity to the city and province.

Let’s get ready to hit those afterburners and go supersonic.  After all these are our Winnipeg Jets!

Next Stop: Swaggerville, Manitoba

Verb (usually disapproving) to walk in an extremely proud and confident way

Noun and adjective combining form (slang) a place, condition, or quality with a character as specified

Noun and adjective combining form (Slang) a Winnipeg state of mind, referring to the crushing defensive squad of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers; a statement of fact, an attitude, way of life. Population: 29,533 fanatics.

Odell Willis Mayor of Swaggerville (Photo Brian Donogh/Winnipeg Sun)

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Swaggerville, the hottest professional sports city in Canada. The change from last year has been incredible to say the least. Last year when the Winnipeg Blue Bombers were a dismal 4-14 on the season a person could pick up their choice of ticket in pretty much any section desired. Tumbleweeds blew through the upper west side seating deck on many an occasion. The fans that were in attendance were booing the boys in blue as often as they were cheering, sad to say the very least.

This year however, The Winnipeg Jets are back and The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are on a tear destroying opponents with a ferocity that is leaving Canadian football analysts slack jawed in disbelief. For the first time since 1987 The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are an astounding 5-1 on the season; a feat that has only been accomplished 5 times in the 80 year history of the football club.

But the season thus far has not been without its tragic moments. A few weeks ago on July 26th, defensive line coach Richard Harris was rushed to hospital after suffering a massive heart attack in his office. He would die that afternoon leaving a huge hole in the Blue and Gold fabric of the team he loved so much.

To most on the d-line he was more than just a coach he was a father figure; a trustworthy soul and moral compass to those in his charge.

Three days later The Bombers faced the BC Lions. Our defence looked shaky at the beginning but regained confidence in their form recording 6 sacks along the way to a defensive route of the Lions.

This week with the stands full to capacity the feeling was electric as the league’s top offensive squad, The Edmonton Eskimos, met our top rated defensive team The Winnipeg Blue Bombers. This game was to decide first place overall in the league. Edmonton coming into the game with an undefeated 5-0 record; if any team could snatch that title from Edmonton's hand it would be our boys in blue.

Although Edmonton jumped out to an early 10-1 lead, our defensive squad held firm to Harris' teaching. Near the half quarterback Buck Pierce highhandedly ran for an incredible 48 yards breaking two tackles to even the score at 11.

Now with the sell-out crowd almost 30,000 rabid fans firmly into the game the second half was dominated by our defence. Sacking Edmonton quarterback Ricky Ray 4 times and leading the CFL in overall sacks with an astounding 30 in only 6 games.

At times when Edmonton was in possession of the football it was hard to think and impossible to hear with the noise coming out of the east side upper deck. It was as if a tornado, a freight train and AC/DC were converging on Canad Inn Stadium all at once. The noise levels were easily reaching into the 100+ db levels and easily drown out any hope of Eskimo communication on the field.

In the end our Swaggerville defence carried the day, soundly defeating the Edmonton Eskimos 28-16 and handing them their first loss of the season, putting Winnipeg firmly atop the pile as top team in the CFL.

Swaggerville, it's not just a saying this year. It's a belief in great things; it's an attitude that invades the whole body. From the way you walk to the way you hold your head up high. It's about pride, confidence and overwhelming crushing defensive power. Thanks boys it’s all about you this season, now go get that Grey Cup.

Authors Note: This amusing bit of information has just crossed my desk. Apparently Demi Moore of stage and silver screen fame is a fan of the Big Blue Machine! A touchdown celebration by Alex Suber and crew "planking" has caught Demi's eye.

The celebration "Plank" was caught on TSN and has gone semi viral. Demi liked it so much that she Tweeted it to her adoring fans.

Got Swag??

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thanks Norway!

I en uformell avstemning jeg nettopp har fått ser det ut til at jeg er en hit i, av alle steder, Norge. Kanskje det er fordi vi deler samme klima eller kanskje det er en masseflukt av nordmenn planlegger å rømme fra EU og emigrere til vennlig Manitoba? Jeg vet ikke.

Uansett tilfelle jeg vil takke mine venner i Norge. Mine lesere fra Oslo spesielt. Jeg tror du vet hvem du er. Midt på natten når jeg brann opp trykk som er det blinker bort på min verden, men gode gamle Oslo.

Dag og natt jeg kan se deg blinkende bort, jeg aner ikke hva jeg har skrevet å fengsle ditt sinn. Noen ganger kan jeg se bort fra skjermen for å se om du er titte ut på meg ... ser på meg som jeg skriver, redigerer, ripe og redigere litt mer.

Du er alltid der, blinkende bort i dag og natt, er du en terrorist sovende celle bruker bloggen min som en front? Planla å gjennomføre nefarious ordninger mot vest? Jeg håper ikke det, det ville virkelig ødelegge bildet mitt perfekt utsikt over ditt land.

Are the Atlanta Thrashers set to become the Winnipeg Falcons?

In a bit of breaking news I managed to scoop the big boys today in the Phoenix Coyotes/Atlanta Thrashers/Winnipeg Jets saga.

As the news has more than fully explained the new deal to sell the Coyotes to Matt Hulsizer have reached an impasse. The Goldwater Institute, a tax payer watchdog group, has threatened to sue the city of Glendale, Arizona over its alleged gifts to Hulsizer in the purchase of the team.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Main Street Beaver!

On the way home today I caught an interesting story on the radio. Apparently someone had filmed gorgeous beaver on Main Street in Winnipeg. Obviously I consider Winnipeg to be a total beaver hot spot. Given our close proximity to many beautiful lakes and beaches you would expect to see a huge population of the furry critters.

Not this kind of beaver silly!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Harry Houdini: a true magician among false spirits.

In my last post I described Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as one of the leading figures of the spiritualism movement. I also referenced Harry Houdini but only in passing as one of the great entertainers of that era.

Houdini Handcuff King and Prison Breaker

Winnipeg's occult connection: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

You wouldn't know it now but back in the heyday of the 1920's Winnipeg, the Chicago of the North, was a hotbed of spiritual investigation.

Ectoplasam at a Hamilton seance - Note the image of Doyle suspended in the ectoplasm 2 years after his death.  (Photo - June 27, 1932)                              

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Epic Roadtrip: Vancouver 1994

At this time in 1994 I was on an epic road trip.  One worthy of any Animal House camera crew and probably John Belushi himself.

I was living with a few friends at the time, one of whom was a rabid Vancouver Canucks fan.  We would get off of work from the video store which we both worked in, drink beer and drive his girlfriend absolutely nuts.  I am actually ashamed to say it now but she fled to their bedroom while us guys hooted and shouted urging the Canucks on.

We hatched a plot, if the Canucks made it to round three of the 94 playoffs we would be there.  We didn’t have a car or any money, but then again sober and intelligent is no way to plan an epic road trip.  We had a couple of cases of beer, a team to follow and a dream.

Winnipeg Street Food: Mrs Mikes

Finally, with the change in seasons and everything starting to come to life again after another cold winter it is time to delve into a favourite topic of mine. Food, street food to be particular.

Once upon a time I worked driving delivery and doing light construction work on people's homes. Stuck in a smelly work van for hours at a time, never near the office for a break. So I relied on street food to get me though those rough and tumble days. Most of the time I worked alone or with a junior partner so going a little out-of-the-way for a good meal was acceptable and often essential for our moral.

In the upcoming summer months I intend to share the best of Winnipeg's street offerings with you. Mrs. Mikes has been a Winnipeg institution for some forty years. Established in 1969 at 286 Tache Ave. in Winnipeg's French Quarter of St. Boniface. It sits easily within walking distance of the Forks Market, and just a short bus ride away from the busy downtown centre.

Mrs. Mikes - 286 Tache in St. Boniface

Springtime + Winnipeg = Smokies

Ahhh, I can feel it now. Springtime is here!

Grass is peeking through as the winter's snowy blanket recedes and the smell of sausages is in the air. Like the buds on the trees and flowers that are beginning to awaken, the smokie carts are back on the streets of Winnipeg.

As soon as the pavement starts to show again and the hemlines on Broadway Avenue begin to creep up the legs of the secretaries and professionals, you can bet the smokie carts will be out in full force. The propane fired grills sending out smoke signals once again to the hungry masses that crave delicious tube steaks on fresh Winnipeg rolls.

My own personal pilgrimage took place Saturday afternoon, the weekday traffic and crowds downtown were gone and little stood between us and hot meaty goodness. The Winnipeg Convention Centre played host to our quarry and we quickly homed in on the twin carts with a crowd gathered round.

Smokie carts are a sure sign of warm weather in Winnipeg

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Doctor Who's new season begins tonight!

I was surfing the net today when I got a very geeky surprise. The new season of our favourite doctor will be upon us before we know it. The new adventures of the rogue Timelord from Gallifrey begin in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States on April 23. Perhaps to stop rampant piracy the show is being broadcast on the same schedule worldwide.

Doctor Who series promotion (Image - Space Channel)

Spring Spheres or Easter Eggs?

Well once again it seems the heavy hand of political correctness has seen fit to squash another one of our beloved western cultural quasi-religious observances.

Believe it or not this time the muzzle is being forced on our furry friend the Easter Bunny. In an attempt to further confuse children an unnamed school in Seattle would not allow a 16-year-old volunteer to pass out Easter treats this past week and call them Easter Eggs. Instead apparently the youth was directed to call the egg shaped candies Spring Spheres. The reasoning for this was to wash any taint of religion from the kids search for treats.


Now what Easter Eggs, or bunnies for that matter, have to do with the Christian tradition of Christ's crucifixion and subsequent resurrection I have no idea. Once again it seems that everyone has their collective knickers in a knot about absolutely nothing.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Going Batty!

Today being Earth Day I thought that I would write-up a little earth friendly post. As it turns out being green is not only the right thing to do for the earth, but it also helps save the average home owner a ton of money in the process.

For example, most people now recycle a good portion of their weekly household trash or compost. Another money-saving idea would be to switch to compact fluorescent bulbs in the home. I know in our household those two simple moves have saved us a significant amount of money over the last year.

Living in Manitoba also has its own outdoor challenges when it comes to enjoying an evening in the back yard with friends. The number one pest that comes to mind is the Mosquito. Manitoba is famous for the swarms of biting insects that infest the evening sky during wet summer months.

Many people of course turn to a chemical solution to enjoy a few peaceful hours outdoors during the twilight hours. Spraying or burning noxious agents to keep the pesky hordes at bay.

It turns out however that there is an earth friendly alternative to poisonous chemicals. A little winged creature that undoubtedly already lives near your home. Tucked into a wooded thicket or garage eve live the most common bat species native to North America. The little brown bat being the most common here in Manitoba and the Northern United States.

Bats are of course nocturnal and also have the benefit of being voracious consumers of flying insects. Bats however have a number of stigma attached to them that unfairly brands them as a pest species or as harmful to humans. For instance the old wives tale of bats being attracted to women's hair is false. Bats want nothing to do with us, we are not a prey species and in-fact pose a threat to them based on our size. Bats have also been branded as carriers of rabies. According to the Fort Whyte Centre here in Winnipeg people have a higher chance of catching rabies from a domesticated animal than catching it from a bat.

So how does the average homeowner take advantage of this free and environmentally sound method of pest control? Well one good idea would be to build a bat box. A simple roost for your flying friends similar to a bird house. A suitable backyard home will attract the bats and give them a reason to start eating the bugs in your backyard first.

Just think of it. A single bat, when feeding can eat up to 1000 insects an hour! A small family of hungry bats should be able to put a significant dent in your backyard pest problem. All for just the cost of a few sheets of plywood and a handful of screws!

Can you imagine the envious looks on your guests faces when they learn they can talk for hours without furiously slapping or waving madly at the air trying to fend off swarms of bugs? You can sit there and explain to them it was all courtesy of your newly found friend the little brown bat.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I may be going out on a limb here but I am guessing that to many of you 420 is just a number. Here in Manitoba, as in many other parts of the world, that number takes on a larger significance. Pronounced " Four Twenty" it is slang the world over for Marijuana. The term comes from the supposed police code for a marijuana arrest. This however is incorrect according to various sources including the Urban Dictionary, 420 may have started out as a code word between a bunch of Californian high school students that liked to get high.

In any case, the term has become the clarion call of pot smokers everywhere to light up. Today's date also figures into the term, April 20 or 04-20 in Canada is the day that Marijuana activists and casual users alike gather on the lawns of our houses of government to protest the continued criminalization of marijuana use.

Here in Winnipeg the scene on the legislative grounds was as always a festive event. This year a few thousand people gathered, some brightly dressed, some carrying signs, all smoking dope.