Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Main Street Beaver!

On the way home today I caught an interesting story on the radio. Apparently someone had filmed gorgeous beaver on Main Street in Winnipeg. Obviously I consider Winnipeg to be a total beaver hot spot. Given our close proximity to many beautiful lakes and beaches you would expect to see a huge population of the furry critters.

Not this kind of beaver silly!

This video was shot at night on the main street strip, apparently this lonely creature was trying to find a home for the night and got caught on tape. If you listen closely you can hear the cameraman whistling to attract the beavers attention. Some beaver I would guess love being whistled at, this one seems a bit on the shy side.

THIS kind of beaver.

Without further delay and double entendre on my part I give you Winnipeg Beaver. Enjoy!

Authors Note: For this outfit and a fine selection of adult costume ideas check out 3wishes.com.

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